Purpose: Our purpose is to provide support and promote Young Professional (YoPro) engagement by way of mentorship, networking, and learning opportunities to those just starting out within the aviation industry.
Action Plan:
Specific: The AAAE Southeast’s (SEC) YoPro committee wants to increase the participation within the committee and align with AAAE National YoPro and other regional YoPro committees. This committee will be open to all SEC members 40 and younger. The plan is to accomplish participation by increasing social media engagement, hosting quarterly lunch and learns and periodic meetups within the region for members of the SEC YoPro. Our plan is to work with AAAE National YoPro to promote events and meetings that SEC YoPro is hosting. For our quarterly calls, our committee will engage Young Professionals to share their experience in the industry to support other YoPros in the region with their career growth. This also allows members to engage with the committee and gain experience speaking on industry topics. The quarterly calls will serve as a platform for our members to learn more about the various roles and opportunities in the industry. In order to support our member engagement, we will share opportunities that YoPro national provides, such as their upcoming calls, their sponsorships for conferences and their regional meetups that are hosted by national, and hosted by our region. We will encourage any participants interested in mentorship opportunities to utilize the Mentor Match program that AAAE national hosts. We will continue to support any additional interest for Mentorship on an individual basis to support any requests for local mentorship opportunities.
Measurable: We plan to continue to develop this committee into something that provides opportunities for the future industry leaders. The goal is to host four quarterly calls per year featuring YoPro leaders and members to increase engagement. We will engage with AAAE National to promote these calls on their social media platforms. We also plan to host a meet up at the AAAE SEC Annual Conference for YoPro’ s for the 2nd year in a row as well as provide a free professional photo opportunity at the conference.
Attainable: Increase the amount of participation by hosting quarterly calls that are promoted in advance of the calls.
Relevant: By increasing the amount of participation within the Young Professionals committee it will give the next round of future leaders an opportunity to network, learn from established industry professionals and increase their own marketability.
Timely: September 2024 – July 2025.
Marketing/Promotional Plan: We plan to coordinate with AAAE Young Professionals committee on the national level to promote SEC regional chapter events and meetings on the National YoPro Calls. Additionally, we plan to collaborate with the other SEC Committees to promote YoPro participation within their respective committees as well as directly with the YoPro Committee.
Cody Bauman, AAE, Vice-Chairman
Molly Slater, Madam Vice-Chairman